
Amman ceaster: sēo Abdali Project, Tempul of Hercules æt Ammanbyrig, Abdullah I Cyninges Mosque and Raghadan Fānastæf, Abdoun Brycg, Umayyadinga Heall, Oþomanisc Hecgas Īsrrnƿegƿic, and þæt Romanisce Sceaƿpleghūs

Amman Iordanrīces hēafodstōl and þæs landes mæste burg. Ēac þegneþ þēos ceaster sƿa stōl þæs Amman Ealdordōmes.

Amman sēo ceaster stent in þæm middæle þæs rīces. Hēo hæfþ 4,007,526 ƿunendas.

Sēo ǣrreste ƿitnes of mannes hand in þissum stede is niƿstanyldes stede be naman 'Ain Ghazal (se is ‘Ghazales ƿielle’). Hēr getimbrodon Ammanƿare hiere hēafodburg sēo ƿæs "Rabbaþ Ammon". Crēacas nemnedon þā burg 'Philadelphia'.

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